Indonesian to English
jempol thumb, thumbs up, tops, first rate
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near, thumb, thumbs


dan menghisap jempol tangan kiri saya
and I would suck the thumb of my left hand
mulai dari dagu sampai jempol kaki saya.
that went from my chin to the tip of my toe
Anda akan menangkapnya dengan jempol Anda sebelum
You gotta get them with your thumb before they
Kini dia akan mengambil pulpen dengan jempol dan telunjuknya.
Now he's going to pick up a pen with his opposed thumb and index finger.
Anda bahkan tidak akan bisa melihat jempol kaki Anda,
you will not even be able to see as far as your toes,
hanya seukuran kuku jempol anda yang dilihat jarak sepanjang tangan.
is only about the size of your thumbnail held at arms length.
Saya mempunyai sebuah jempol, $85.
I had a thumb, I had 85 dollars,
para orang tua akan memberikan tanda cap jempol dalam daftar hadir.
the parents would give thumbprints in the attendance register.
Jika Anda memukul jempol Anda dengan palu,
If you hit your thumb with a hammer,
sehingga Anda menjadi sadar bahwa jempol Anda sakit.
where you become consciously aware that your thumb is now hurt.
Misalnya aturan jempol tentang jumlah,
There's the availability heuristic,
yang dapat dipegang diantara jempol dan telunjuk:
that can be held between the thumb and forefinger:
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