Indonesian to English
jurusan direction, academic field
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  1. abah
    (arah, depan, hadap, haluan, jurus, tuju)
  2. arah
  3. haluan
  4. jalur
  5. orientasi
  6. kiblat
  7. rute
  8. trayek
  9. tujuan
  10. aspek
  11. bidang
  12. segi
  13. sudut
  14. vak
jurusan ekonomieconomic department
jurusan hulumlaw department
jurusan kedokteranmedical department
jurusan sosialsocial-department
jurusan sosial politikpolitical-science department

Related Word(s)

class, destination, faculty, major, majoring, majors, route, school, several, side


Jurusan saya di Universitas Chicago adalah zoologi
And at the University of Chicago I was a zoology major,
di, Anda tahu, Jurusan Kimia.
in, you know, chemistry departments.
Kami bergegas ke jurusan kimia dan berkata,
We rushed over to the chemistry department and said,
Saya meninggalkan Bellevue, kuliah di jurusan bisnis dan memulai hal ini.
I left Bellevue, went to business school and started this.
adalah bahwa saya memberi kuliah di jurusan kedokteran Universitas Kuwait --
is that I gave a lecture at the medical school at Kuwait University,
dan jurusan-jurusan lainnya
and all of these other things
jurusan MBA tidak mengajarkan anak-anak menjadi pengusaha
Our MBA programs do not teach kids to be entrepreneurs.
itu artinya anda tak perlu kuliah jurusan MBA;
That doesn't mean you have to go to an MBA program.
di jurusan zoologi di Universitas Tel Aviv.
majoring in zoology in Tel Aviv University,
Lalu, di jurusan zoologi itu,
And then, within zoology,
mahasiswa tingkat tiga jurusan kedokteran yang harus mereka awasi selama setahun penuh.
patients who they follow for an entire year.
Dan omong-omong, saya mengambil jurusan filosofi dan sastra di sekolah,
And by the way, I was a philosophy and poetry major in school,
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