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  1. ateis
    (dahriah, kafir, kufur)
  2. kufur
  3. perbegu

Related Word(s)

advice, afflicted, altogether, angels, are, armies, ascribe, ascribed, ask, assault, associate, attribute, away, belie, believe, believers, bent, blame, blaspheme, blasphemer, blasphemers, blasphemes, blasphemy, blessings, chastisement, christians, clear


Mereka menyuruh kami untuk hanya menggunakannya melawan kaum kafir.
They ask us to use them only against the infidels.
Saya telah menyerahkan hidup saya melawan para kafir.
I have laid down my life fighting the infidels."
"infidel (kafir)," berasal dari bahasa Latin yang berarti "tidak setia/tidak beriman."
"infidel," from the Latin for "faithless."
Akibatnya, merekalah yang kafir (tidak setia).
In effect, they are the infidels.
tentang pembunuhan kaum kafir.
about killing the unbelievers.
Bukan Anda harus membunuh orang kafir di Mekkah,
Not "You must kill unbelievers in Mecca,"
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