Indonesian to English
kalkun turkey
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kalkun jantangobbler

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turkey, turkeys


Dan ayam-ayam dan bebek-bebek dan kalkun-kalkun
And chickens and ducks and geese and turkeys
Sebuah kereta penuh dengan kalkun beku -- kata mereka, di hari Thanksgiving --
It was a train loaded with frozen turkeys -- they say, at Thanksgiving --
Ayam kalkun di Wisconsin
This is a turkey in Wisconsin
Ada gulungan potongan daging kalkun dingin,
There was rolled up turkey cold cuts,
jadinya ada sapi, ada babi, ada domba, ada kalkun, dan --
such that the cows and the pigs and the sheep and the turkeys and the ...
20.000 ekor ayam potong, 1.000 kalkun, 1.000 kelinci --
20,000 broilers; 1,000 turkeys; 1,000 rabbits --
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