Indonesian to English
kamar mandi bath-room
kamar mandi
please wait
by Xamux Translate
kamarroom, chamber, moon
mandibathe, take a bath, go swimming

Related Word(s)

bath, bathroom, bathrooms, baths, restroom, showers, toilet


Mirip dengan pergi ke kamar mandi?"
Like, where you go to the bathroom?"
Saya melihat keluar sekat kamar mandi
I looked through the shower screen
Kamar mandi dan dapur tentu saja,
The bathrooms and kitchens will,
bahwa kita hanya punya satu kamar mandi.
was that there was just the one bathroom. (Laughter)
Saya bisa mendesain untuk Mu sebuah sikat gigi baru, sebuah sikat kamar mandi baru," kurang lebih seperti itu.
I can design for you a new toothbrush, new toilet brush," something like that.
Dan inilah mengapa Saya terus bekerja, walaupun hanya untuk sebuat sikat kamar mandi.
That's why I continue to work, even if it's for toilet brush.
lalu ada Matt Damon yang melakukan pemogokan kamar mandi,
we've got Matt Damon going on bathroom strike,
Salah satu favorit saya: Suhunya minus 40 derajat, Anda ingin ke kamar mandi,
One of my favorite: It's 40 below, you've got to go to the bathroom,
adalah menonton televisi, yang satunya adalah di dalam kamar mandi, duduk.
is watching television; the next one is being in the bathroom, sitting.
Mereka tidak berkata, "Saya ingin air panas yang lebih baik di kamar mandi.
They do not say, "I want better hot water in the showers.
Mobil kami berhenti di kamar mandi
the cars stopped at the bathroom
Lalu jika anda melihat di sekitar kamar mandi,
Then if you look around you in the bathroom,
setiap minggu di kamar mandi laki - laki
every week in the boys' room,
pergi ke kamar mandi guru.
in the teachers' lounge.
dan mereka memiliki sebuah kamar mandi di showroom tersebut yang dapat anda gunakan, saya menggunakannya.
and they have a bathroom off of the showroom that you can use, which I used.
Seluruh ubin kamar mandi saya dipasang ulang
I had my whole bathroom tiles
tidak peduli dengan kemiringan di kamar mandi
do not care about slopes in bathrooms,
dan merangkak ke kamar mandi
and crawled to the bathroom
dapat berfungsi sebagai ruang keluarga, ruang tidur, atau kamar mandi,
can actually serve as a living room, bedroom or bathroom,
Benar-benar tentang kamar mandi dan dapur. Jika anda punya sabun, air, dan makanan,
It's about the bathroom and the kitchen. If you have soap, water and food, you know,
kamar mandi karyawan di kantor-kantor dan tempat pemberhentian truk.
employee showers in office buildings and truck stops.
Atau saya mandi di kamar mandi umum.
Or I washed up in public rest rooms.
berjalan 15 meter ke kamar mandi umum
to walk the 50 feet to the public restroom
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