Indonesian to English
kantor polisi police quarter
kantor polisi
please wait
by Xamux Translate
kantoroffice, agency
polisipolice, policeman

Related Word(s)

police, precinct


dan bukannya dibawa ke kantor polisi,
and instead of bringing them to the police station,
Foto inin sebenarnya ditempel di kantor polisi,
Actually, that photo was pasted in a police station,
dan juga perumahan kantor polisi
also housing police offices
kantor polisi pada saat saya
a police station on my
kantor pos kantor polisi dan
post office police station and
pasar kantor pos kantor polisi
market post office police station
pintu berikutnya adalah kantor polisi
next door is the schutzpolizei
ruang barang bukti kantor polisi
the police evidence room
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