karena mereka | for they |
karena mereka | |||
their, thereupon, they |
ContohMengapa? Karena mereka memikirkan masalah Why? Because they think about problems
Dan kita akan menyebut orang-orang ini "berorientasi masa lalu." Karena mereka berfokus pada hal yang sudah lampau. And we're going to call those people "past-oriented," because they focus on what was.
saya mencurigai demikian karena mereka saling berbicara satu sama lain. I suspect because they're discussing with each other.
karena mereka tahu jika minyak itu sampai di sana, because they knew if the oil hit,
karena mereka tidak pernah dipersiapkan because they just had not been prepared
karena mereka adalah spesies indikator. because they're an indicator species.
Tetapi berita yang luar biasa adalah karena mereka telah membela para perempuan ini, But the amazing news was that because they had stood up, these women,
dan karena mereka telah bersedia untuk mempertaruhkan keamanan mereka, and because they had been willing to risk their security,
Apakah ada bedanya karena mereka berada jauh? Does it really matter that they're far away?
Aku meneliti monarch karena mereka bisa sakit. I study monarchs because they get sick.
karena mereka bebas berekspresi -- for their freedom of expression.
Bukan karena mereka tidak bisa membangun perkotaan. It wasn't that they couldn't develop cities.
karena mereka disusupi. because they were hacked into.
karena mereka tahu mereka lebih dapat dipercaya daripada layanan lokal because they know they are more trustworthy than the local services
Warnanya berbeda karena mereka mengandung komposisi yang berbeda. And they're a different color because they're a different composition.
setelah menjadi fotografer, karena mereka akan memecat saya. after I was a photographer, because they were going to fire me.
karena mereka memakan semua copepoda dan amfipoda. because they are feeding on all the copepods and amphipods.
karena mereka muak dan bosan is because they were sick and tired
karena mereka yang bersembahyang di sana is because the people praying inside
biasanya sebuah ide bagus karena mereka memiliki ide terbaik is usually a good idea because they've got the best idea
karena mereka memiliki infrastruktur yang lebih baik, because they have better infrastructure,
karena mereka tidak bermain dengan pengganjal roda mobil, because they don't play with car stops,
karena mereka tergantung pada payudara ibunya, because they depend upon the breast,
karena mereka tidak akan mampu membeli apa-apa lagi. because they won't be able to afford anything else,
Saya memutuskan untuk masuk SMA, hanya karena mereka menyuruh saya I decided to go, just because they told me to,
karena mereka berkata, because they'd say,
karena mereka tidak punya korteks serebral seperti yang kita punyai. because they don't have a cerebral cortex like we do.
karena mereka sudah lama hidup. because they had a long life.
karena mereka berhubungan seks since they have frequent, promiscuous
karena mereka memecahkan pemanasan global dalam seminggu. because they solved global warming in a week.
karena mereka di permukaan because they, on the surface,
Manusia mengontrol bumi karena mereka adalah makhluk satu-satunya Humans control the planet because they are the only animals
melakukan jihad dan perang salib, karena mereka percaya cerita yang sama or fight in a crusade or a jihad, because they all believe in the same stories
karena mereka tidak membawa surat-surat. because they were not carrying their papers.
karena mereka sangat menarik -- dan saya tiba pada pernikahan because they're very interesting -- and I came to the marriage
karena mereka harus berkembang; populasi mereka sangat miskin. because they must develop; they have very poor populations.
karena mereka telah diberitahu bahwa inilah because they've been told that this is
disebabkan karena mereka menerbitkan kebetulan. because freaks get published.
Dan itu bukanlah karena mereka tidak mau And that isn't because they don't want to,
karena mereka tidak memiliki gagasan itu because they don't have that idea
karena mereka menghabiskan lebih dari $80 sehari because they spend more than $80 a day
karena mereka memiliki tingkat kematian anak yang tinggi because they have high child mortality
karena mereka tidak akan memberi tahu. Kita memberikan sandinya -- cause they're not going to tell you. We're giving away the code.
karena mereka membawa uang mereka masuk. because they have brought the money in.
karena mereka berpikir itu lebih baik. than a non-geo-engineered world.
tapi karena mereka telah saling bertemu dengan bertulis surat. but because they have found one another by way of letter-writing.
dan orang-orang Cambridge yang gagal karena mereka bukan ahli kimia. and the Cambridge people failing because they weren't chemists.
karena mereka kehilangan sbagian besar DNA. because they just lost a big piece of DNA.
karena mereka bereaksi untuk because they're responding to
berbeda karena mereka dibangun oleh intervensi yang berbeda, and I call them different because different interventions build them,