Indonesian to English
kasir cashier
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  1. bendaharawan
  2. kasa
kasir kepalahead teller

Related Word(s)

cash, cashier, cashiers, counter, teller, tellers


Jadi suatu Minggu sore, seorang pria mendatangi meja kasir saya
So one Sunday afternoon, a man walks into my cashier's booth
Saya menggunakan beberapa mesin kasir daur ulang, troli daur ulang.
I've got some recycled tills; I've got some recycled trolleys.
atau jadi kasir.
or work at a cash register.
Waktu anda membaca petunjuk ini, kita akan menarik tali di belakang meja kasir
While you're reading the sign, we pull a rope behind the counter
tidak hanya kertas jingga berisi jumlah yang harus kita bayarkan di kasir, Benar?
instead of just the pink slip that said I paid at the counter. Right?
dan memincingkan mata, kemudian membawanya ke kasir,
and she squinted, and she took it to the register,
kita dapat membuat penggunaan plastik di kasir
we can make it socially unacceptable
atau waktu kasir membuka antrian baru di supermarket
or when cashiers open up a new check-out lane at the grocery store
Kasir di toko Anda,
The cashiers at your grocery store,
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