Indonesian to English
ke mana saja where on earth
ke mana saja
please wait
by Xamux Translate
keprep towards, prep to [{showing direction} ].
manawhere, which
sajaonly, just, exactly

Related Word(s)

anywhere, wheresoever, wherever, withersoever


"Ya Tuhan, saya sangat senang melihat anda, tapi ke mana saja anda selama 12 tahun ini?
"My Lord, I'm so happy to see you, but where have you been for 12 years?
Sebenarnya kita bisa berenang ke mana saja di Google Earth
We can go actually and swim around on Google Earth
dan mereka mengatakan, kami ingin pergi ke mana saja di dunia
and they're saying, we want to go anywhere in the world
jadi saya tahu kita sudah ke mana saja dan ke mana kita hendak menuju
so I know where we've been and where we're going
ke mana saja di mana mereka diperlukan di dalam sel --
to wherever it's needed in the cell --
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