kebingungan | confusion, panic, perplexity |
kebingungan | |||
answer, bewildered, bewilderment, confused, confusion, difficulty, discomfiture, disorientation, disoriented, flurry, fro, indecision, mystification, obfuscation, perplexities, perplexity, puts, quandary, respond |
ContohDan yang terakhir kemungkinan yang diketahui sebagai kebingungan, And the last possibility is what is known as confounding,
dan kita akan memerangi mereka dengan kebingungan mereka sendiri. and we will fight them with their own confusion.
dan kebingungan yang datang and the confusion that came
Dan sesuatu - yang menerjemahka ini ke bhs jepang pasti kebingungan And something ... good luck with that one in the Japanese translation room.
bahwa ada semacam kebingungan. there's been some kind of hiccup.
Jadi mereka menatap saya dengan sangat kebingungan. So they're looking at me really odd.
dan di tengah-tengah kebingungan dari para ilmuwan and in the midst of all this scientific confusion
untuk membuat murid-murid kita kebingungan, to confuse our students, perplex them,
dan wartawannya kebingungan and the news reader was like,
kekacauan dan kebingungan yang luar biasa, the overwhelming chaos and confusion,