kehendak | |||
kehendak baik | good will |
kehendak tuhan | the will of god |
against, alone, behalf, choose, chooses, christ, command, desires, eaten, his, if, interests, least, leave, let, liked, listed, loveth, meanings, permission, permits, please, pleased, preach, punish, sake, some, tell, thus, trend, unwillingly, usages, way |
ContohIa hanya alat pelaksana kehendak Tuhan. He was simply the instrument of God's will.
Apakah kehendak Tuhan? And what was God's will?
Kehendak Tuhan adalah jumlah penderitaan akibat perang Well God's will was that the amount of suffering in any kind of war
sehingga kehendak Allah diwujudkan melalui mereka so that God's will was manifest through them,
adalah tentang kehendak bebas is about free will
dan bahwa kehendak Tuhan akan menanganinya. and that God's will would take care of that.
kehendak Tuhan, dan sinkroni dari kekuatan-kekuatan misterius, God's will, and the synchrony of mysterious forces --
tentang pertanyaan-pertanyaan seperti kehendak bebas, about questions like free will
dan kita memiliki kehendak bebas and we have the power of free will
atau dikutuk, dengan kehendak bebas. or cursed, with free will.
Apakah kita memiliki kehendak bebas Do we have free reign