keistimewaan | peculiarity |
keistimewaan | |||
bigness, feature, features, lodging, much, peculiarity, people, privilege, privileges, pure, purified, sort, spoke |
ContohNamun saya takut akan keistimewaan, Yet I am afraid of privilege,
Seseorang harus menemukan keistimewaan di dalam dirinya. One has to discover a certain bigness in oneself.
Keistimewaan itu harus berpusat pada dirinya, That bigness should be centered on oneself,
dan ada berbagai keistimewaan lainnya and they have various other features
Saya akan mengatakan, lihatlah pekerjaan saya sebagai suatu keistimewaan Let me just say, look, my job is a privilege
tentang keistimewaan dari makan. about the privilege that eating represents.
tidak akan ada keistimewaan seperti itu. I wouldn't have that luxury.