keli | edible, river catfish |
keli | |||
kelian | tin mine, village official |
keliar | swarm about |
keliaran | wildness |
keliatan | plasticity |
kelibang | swarm about, fly around (of insects). |
kelibat | 1. double-bladed paddled. 2. appearing for a flash. ber-kelibat(an) be visible for only a second, flash by. se-kelibat(an) in a moment. 3. see LIBAT. |
keliberalan | llbmality |
kelibihan tirabangan atau keseimbangan | over-balance |
kelici | a hand nut (for playing with), marbles. |
kelicih | skid, slip |
kelicik | see "kelicih" |
kelicikan | 1 cunning, wiliness, ability to twist words. 2 artifice, scheme. |
kelicinan | slippage |
kelih | look |
kelihaian | astuteness, ability |
kelihatan | 1 visible, in sight. 2 discernible. |
kelihatan muncul | put in an appearance |
kelihatan jelas | noticeably |
kelihatan kebiruan | look blue |
kelihatan kecewa | looked blue |
abad kelima belas dan kemudian the fifteenth century and later
abad kelima belas ketika diterapkan the fifteenth century when applied
abad kelima belas yang disebut the fifteenth century so called
ada banyak untuk pergi berkeliling there plenty to go around
ada sekeliling kemah suci dan is around the tabernacle and
adalah dalam kekeliruan yang nyata is clearly mistaken
adalah sebagai besar sebagai kelinci are as large as rabbits
adamites pada abad kelima belas adamites in the fifteenth century
afrika selatan biasanya dikelilingi oleh southern africa usually surrounded by
agak mirip kelinci dalam ukuran somewhat resemble rabbits in size
agama palsu iman yang keliru a false religion false faith
agar berhati hati terhadap kelicikan to beware of cunning by
air biasanya segar yang dikelilingi of usually fresh water surrounded
air dari tukang air keliling water from mobile water seller
akan adalah keliru dan mesti is wrong and should be