kerang | cockle shells, tortoise shell |
kerang | |||
kerang berkulit ganda | bivalve |
kerang laut | sea shell |
kerang mutiara | pearl oyster |
kerang-kerang | shellfish |
kerang-kerangan | conch |
kerang-keroh | crisscross, askew, awry, irregular, rambling, conniving, scheming |
kerang-kerung | clattering (of dishes). |
kerangga | see KERENGGA. |
keranggang | see SEMUT. |
kerangka | skeleton, framework, design, plan |
kerangka acuan | terms of reference |
kerangka acuan dipercepat | accelerated frame of reference |
kerangka acuan lembam | inertial frame of reference |
kerangka acuan mutlak | absolute frame of reference |
kerangka acuan newtonan | newtonian reference ffame |
kerangka acuan rihat | rest frame of reference |
kerangka acuan setara | equivalent frame of reference |
kerangka acuan taklembam | non-inertial frame of reference |
kerangka eter | ether frame |
kerangka inersial | inertial frame |
bivalve, clam, clams, cockle, cockles, conch, limpets, mussel, mussels, oysters, scallop, scallops, seashell, seashells, shell, shellfish, shells |
Contohterutama saat semua taco kerang ditarik dari supermarket especially when all those taco shells were taken out of the supermarkets
kerang raksasa yang ditemukan of this giant clam that was discovered
Kerang-kerangan, remis, tiram Shellfish, mussels, oysters,
kerang, ikan nila, char -- ini adalah spesies yang umum. clams, tilapia, char -- these were the common species.
Hal yang sama sebenarnya juga dilakukan dengan tuna dan kerang. And this also actually happens with tuna and scallops.
bertanya tentang seekor kerang bioluminesens. asked about this bioluminescent clam.
? Kumpulkanlah makan malam kerang bagiku ? ? Gather a dinner of shells for me ?
Itu sebabnya kita bisa menemukan kerang di Gunung Everest. That's why you get, you know, you get seashells up on Mount Everest.
Kami juga menemukan cangkang kerang yang luar biasa ini We went and found these incredible clam beds
Seperti membuat Jacques Cousteau dari cangkang kerang -- creating Jacques Cousteau out of seashells --
cangkang kerang yang tidak diproses, hanya dengan menyusun mereka. un-retouched seashells, but just by rearranging
Anda juga bisa melihat kerang -- You also see seashells --
tetapi Anda tidak secerdas kerang, but you're not as clever as a clam.
Cangkang kerang keras. A clamshell's hard.
bangunan utuh yang terinspirasi dari cangkang kerang, whole buildings inspired by abalone shells,
ranting, batuan, kerikil, dan kerang. of sticks and stones and pebbles and shells.
keracunan kerang, keracunan ikan shellfish poisoning,fish ciguatera,
diare karena keracunan kerang -- Anda tidak ingin tahu akan hal itu -- diarrheic shellfish poisoning -- you don't want to know about that --
gangguan syaraf dan kelumpuhan karena keracunan kerang. neurotoxic shellfish poisoning, paralytic shellfish poisoning.
kerang dan segerombolan yang sejenis dengan gurita clams and swarms of arthropods
I untuk spesies invasif seperti semut api, kerang zebra, dan rumput sapu I is for the invasive species like the fire ants, the zebra mussels, broom grasses