Indonesian to English
keras hard, solid state, tight, not flexible, strong, gruff, hard, loud, stern, seriously
please wait
by Xamux Translate


  1. bangkar
  2. basau
  3. cekang
  4. engkah
  5. ganyar
  6. ganyut
  7. kaku
  8. mangkar
  9. padat
  10. solid
  11. tegang
  12. terkiat
  13. ekstrem
  14. gigih
  15. militan
  16. mati-matian
  17. sungguh-sungguh
  18. revolusioner
  19. cermat
  20. ketat
  21. rapi
  22. teliti
  23. cepat
  24. deras
  25. kencang
  26. kuat
  27. berdengung
  28. lantam
  29. lantang
  30. melengking
  31. memabukkan
  32. memusingkan
  33. merangsang
  34. alot
  35. kenyal
  36. liat
  37. ulet -- hati cekal
  38. persisten
  39. senggang
  40. tabah
  41. tangguh
  42. tegar
keras dan kejamtruculent
keras dan kencang/tergesaimpetuous
keras dan tegashard hitting
keras hatia heart of stone
keras kepalaa pig-headed
keras lawan kerasdiamond cut diamond
keras pendirianintransigent
keras sekalistentorian
keras seperti kacahard as glass
keras-kerask.o. crispy cookie.
keras-tulangk.o. plant, the leaves of which are used for medicinal purposes.
kerasansee KRASAN.
kerasionalan fungsionalfunctional rationality
kerasionalan substansialsubstantial rationality

Related Word(s)

accused, alcoholic, aloud, argue, assertive, austere, aversion, away, awful, baked, bang, blast, blows, bottom, calls, chastisement, cleric, concerning, condemnation, contend, contentious, cracking, crushed, crushing, cry, darkened, delights, deny, down


anda memperoleh batu permata, yang jernih dan keras.
you get diamond, which is clear and hard.
dan anak perempuan masih harus terus belajar keras
and that girls have continued to struggle
tapi mereka begitu keras,
together but they were frozen solid,
terlalu keras
a little too overzealously
yang diabadikan fatwa keras
that are enshrined in rigid religious fatwas
dimana Anda harus bekerja keras untuk mendapatkan uang,
where you work hard to get money,
Namun ketika uang itu habis, Anda harus bekerja lebih keras lagi
But then the money's gone, you have to work hard
Jadi kami harus bekerja keras.
So we got to work.
bahwa kami bekerja keras untuk mereka dan
that we're working hard for them and
dan memukul kepala saya dengan keras.
and punched me really hard in the head.
Saya tertawa keras dan begitu emosional
I was laughing so hard and so emotional
Mereka bekerja sangat, sangat, sangat keras.
And they worked absolutely very, very, very hard.
Mereka berusaha keras
They said they would try so hard
dan bergabung dengan partai garis keras, Hutu Power.
and joined the extremist party, Hutu Power,
kemauan keras seseorang.
from one person's action.
Kami meretas perangkat keras,
We hack hardware,
Anda tahu, jika mereka mau bekerja keras dan tetap bersekolah.
you know, if they work hard and stay in school.
cuaca Mogadishu yang keras.
the harsh Mogadishu climate.
Mungkin Anda tidak dapat menyanyikannya keras-keras,
Now you might not be able to sing that out loud,
dengan kerja keras berminggu-minggu.
over several weeks of really hard labor.
Ayah saya berusaha keras mendorong saya untuk belajar,
My father tried very hard to motivate me into studying,
Orang-orang Korea Utara berjuang dengan keras untuk bertahan hidup.
North Koreans are fighting hard to survive.
Ibu saya bekerja keras bertani
My mother worked hard in the farm
Saya belajar keras di sekolah, tapi di kelas delapan,
I worked hard in school, but when I was in eighth grade,
yang keras dalam tuntutan yang saya buat untuk diri sendiri.
relentless in the demands that I made on myself.
bekerja di beberapa tempat paling terpencil dan keras
working in some very remote and very hostile places
Kondisinya sangat keras.
It's very harsh conditions.
Dan para wanita ini berusaha keras agar suara mereka terdengar
And these women are working so hard to get their voices heard
Sebuah aksi laga fisik yang kuno, keras, dan berani.
That's an old-fashioned, hard, gritty, physical stunt.
saya akan bekerja sangat keras,
I'm going to be very hard working,
Sehingga mereka tidak memiliki pilihan lain selain mengatur dengan keras.
Hence they have no option but to implement a regimented program.
tak satupun bibit tanaman keras tropis bisa tumbuh
not a single seedling of the tropical hardwood trees has grown up
Dan tanah itu punya dua pagar bagus berupa pohon kayu keras tropis
And it has two nice fences of tropical hardwood trees --
Anda memang tidak tampak keras kepala,
Now, you’re not as thick as two short planks,
ke sekolah garis keras
to hard-line schools
dia mendapatkan teguran keras.
he is severely reprimanded.
perangkat keras yang sempurna untuk menghilangkannya
the perfect hardware codec, which would get rid of them
untuk membacakan keras-keras kata-kata saya.
to read my words aloud for me.
"Orang berbicara keras-keras --"
People talk loudly --
"Orang berbicara keras-keras dan lambat pada saya.
People talk loudly and slowly to me.
Anda tahu, inovasi itu kerja keras.
You know, innovation's hard work.
menurut saya mendorong orang untuk bekerja keras.
I think, is driving huge amounts of effort.
Terjadi tindakan keras terhadap pers.
There's crackdowns on the press.
media bisa didapat, hanya saja membutuhkan kerja keras,
you can get media, it's just an enormous amount of work,
tak berusaha terlalu keras untuk merubah citra negeri mereka.
weren't actually concerned with trying to change the image of their country.
masa kup yang keras.
went through a violent coup.
Dalam dua setengah tahun lalu, kami telah bekerja sangat keras
In the past two and a half, we've been very hard at work
Karena mencuci itu kerja keras untuk wanita.
Because it remains hard work for women to wash.
Itu pekerjaan yang keras, makan waktu,
It's a hard, time-consuming labor,
untuk melakukan pekerjaan keras
doing this hard work
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