Indonesian to English
kesuburan fertility, prosperity
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  1. fertilitas
    (kesuburan, produktivitas)
  2. produktivitas kreativitas
kesuburan/gembira besarexuberance

Related Word(s)

fecundity, fertility, fruitfulness, happened, mother, prolificacy, virility


di mana tak ada lagi kesuburan yang tersisa.
where there is no fertility left.
Dan karena angka kesuburan berkurang
And because fertility rates fell
Disitu adalah tingkat kesuburan -- jumlah anak per wanita --
Here you have the fertility rate -- the number of children per woman --
Namun tentang kesuburan,
it's fecundity.
dan benda ini akan meningkatkan kesuburan tanah lokal.
and it's going to improve the local soil.
Venus, tentu saja, dewa cinta dan kesuburan,
Venus, of course, is the god of love and fertility,
Inilah syair pujian untuk Dewi Kesuburan.
This is an ode to the mother goddess,
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