ketahuan | detected |
ketahuan | |||
caught, escaped, known |
ContohJadi kami tidak ketahuan kali ini. So we didn't get caught this time.
Huhh! Mereka ketahuan oleh sultan. Huhh! They've been discovered by the sultan.
karena saya tidak ketahuan, because I didn't get caught.
mereka biasanya menggunakan kata seperti "ketahuan" they typically use words like "discovered"
saat hasil corat-coretnya "ketahuan" when his doodles were, of course, "discovered"
Kita bertanya, berapa besar kemungkinan untuk ketahuan? You say, what's the probability of being caught?
Dan berapa besar hukuman yang mengancam - kalau benar-benar ketahuan? And how much punishment would I get if I get caught?