Indonesian to English
keto keto
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ketoksee KETUK 1.
ketok-kadalchildren's game played with bamboo sticks.
ketolsee KETUL 2.
ketolak.o. squash, luffa.
ketololanstupidity, foolishness.
ketolongan1 helped. 2 can be helped.
ketonk.o. tree.
ketorprak1. a Java drama depicting historical or pseudo-historical events. 2. (Jakarta) k.o. salad consisting of bean sprouts, tofu, rice noodles and a peanut sauce.
ketot(Auto.) cut-out valve in the engine.
anda ketombe membuat rambut anda
you dandruff make your hair
anda untuk memberi anda ketombe
you to give you dandruff
apakah mereka memiliki sebuah niketown
do they have a niketown
asetal dari aldehida atau keton
acetals from aldehydes or ketones
atau terpengaruh dengan ketombe atau
or affected with scurf or
bahwa ketombe rasa gatal dan
that dandruff itchiness and
berlapis ketombe atau granuliferous perianth
scurfy or granuliferous perianth
berlapis ketombe rose atau granuliferous
scurfy or granuliferous
berlapis ketombe rose skala seperti
scurfy scales as the
dan dapat mencegah ketombe untuk
can prevent dandruff from
dengan ketombe atau koreng berkeropeng
with scurf or scabs scabby
dengan perisai tombak ketopong baju
shields spears helmets coats of
disebut juga benzoketone pertama diperoleh
called also benzoketone first obtained
ditutupi atau terpengaruh dengan ketombe
covered or affected with scurf
ditutupi dengan ketombe menyerupai ketombe
covered with scurf resembling scurf
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