Indonesian to English
kilogram kilogram
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kilogram kalorikilogram calorie

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chicken, continued, hikes, hundredweight, kg, kilograms, kilos, pound, pounds


yang mengolah sekitar 70 kilogram sampah sayuran mentah per minggu --
go through about 70 kilos of raw vegetable waste a week --
dan mereka memakai ransel seberat 36 kilogram.
and they're wearing these 80-pound backpacks.
Jadi mereka mendapat anjing-anjing lucu seberat 72 kilogram,
So they've got these furry 160-pound dogs --
dan ketika masih panas, menambahkan dua kilogram gula.
and then while it's still hot, add a couple of kilos of sugar.
ratusan kilogram jamur tiram --
with hundreds of pounds of oyster mushrooms,
beratnya 103,7 kilogram.
they weigh 103.7 kilograms.
Itu berarti butuh lima belas kilogram ikan liar
That means it takes fifteen pounds of wild fish
untuk mendapat satu kilogram tuna ternakan.
to get you one pound of farm tuna.
Otak kita memiliki berat antara 1,2 sampai 1,5 kilogram,
Our brain weighs between 1.2 and 1.5 kilos,
namun otak gajah beratnya sekitar 4 sampai 5 kilogram,
but elephant brains weigh between four and five kilos,
dan berat otak ikan paus dapat mencapai 9 kilogram,
and whale brains can weigh up to nine kilos,
adalah 36 kilogram.
would weigh 36 kilos.
akan memiliki otak seberat 1,2 kilogram,
would have a brain of about 1.2 kilos,
untuk tubuh seberat 66 kilogram,
in a body of some 66 kilos,
dari 25 kilogram.
than 25 kilos.
Agar dapat memiliki berat lebih dari 25 kilogram,
To weigh any more than that,
dan berat tubuh sekitar 60 hingga 70 kilogram,
and 60 to 70 kilos of body mass,
untuk dijual seharga 60 sen per kilogram,
for 60 cents a kilo, but we found a way
tapi kami berhasil mengirimkannya ke Jepang untuk dijual seharga 15 dolar per kilogram,
to take the fish for sushi to Japan for 15 dollars a kilo,
Saya menyeret 180 kilogram makanan, bahan bakar, dan perlengkapan.
I was dragging 180 kilos of food and fuel and supplies,
dan matahari adalah 50 kilogram,
and the mass of the sun is 50 kilograms,
anda hendaknya menjadi seekor gorilla hutan dengan bobot 400 kilogram.
You're going to be the 800 pound gorilla in the forest.
180 kilogram -- beratnya hampir mencapai 400 pon.
180 kilos -- that's almost exactly 400 pounds.
Jika Anda mempunya 500 gram, 1000, satu kilogram,
If you have 500 grams, 1000, one kilogram,
dan menghasilkan 1 kilogram daging sapi,
and it results in one kilogram of beef,
Satu kilogram belalang
One kilogram of grasshoppers
berat badan saya hanya sekitar 40 kilogram.
I now weighed about 80 pounds.
40 kilogram tubuh saya terbungkus plaster
all 80 pounds of me covered in a plaster body cast
Bahan pengganti ini berharga sembilan dolar per pon (hampir 0.5 kilogram)
This substitute cost nine dollars a pound,
Sayuran hijau sebanyak 11.000 kilogram,
My green [unclear] 25,000 pounds of vegetables,
percayalah, beberapa lusin kilogram
several dozens of kilograms
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