king | (Crd.) king. |
king | |||
kingkit | k.o. tiny sour citrus fruit. |
kingston | kingston |
kings |
Contoh[Holy Bible: King James Version] ["Lamb" karya Christoper Moore] -- [Holy Bible: King James Version]["Lamb" by Chrisopher Moore] --
Ada elemen King Arthur dalam jalan ceritanya, oke. There's a King Arthur element to the storyline, okay.
Cara Amerika, mengutip Burger King. The American way, to quote Burger King,
atau Martin Luther King atau Medha Patkar, or Martin Luther Kings, or Medha Patkars,
Seperti yang dikatakan penari balet Alonzo King, Or as the ballet dancer Alonzo King said,
"Aladdin," "Lion King." "Aladdin," "Lion King."
Salah satunya adalah pidato Martin Luther King, "Aku memiliki Mimpi," One of them is Martin Luther King's "I Have A Dream,"
dan yang di sebelah kanan adalah milik Martin Luther King. and the one on the right is Martin Luther King.
Juga Martin Luther King Jr. Juga Dorothy Day. So was Martin Luther King, Jr. So was Dorothy Day.
orang-orang seperti Martin Luther King Jr. people like Martin Luther King, Jr.,
Martin Luther King Martin Luther King
Kini, Martin Luther King, Now, Martin Luther King,
dan Dr King akan bangga karenanya. that Dr. King would be proud of.
Itu adalah film panjang saya, "King Murray" That's my feature film. "King, Murray"
Lalu dia belajar dari film tentang burung <i>king fisher</i>. And he studied -- there was a film about king fishers.
Saya pergi ke restoran Burger King terdekat. I headed to the nearest Burger King restaurant.
tetapi tidak di Burger King." but not at the Burger King."
Martin Luther King berkata, orang harus diangkat dengan harga diri. Martin Luther King said that people need to be uplifted with dignity.
Dr. Martin Luther King, Dr. Martin Luther King,