kom | (Coll.) cereal bowl. |
kom | |||
koma | coma |
koma-koma | saffron. |
komak-kamik | see KOMAT-KAMIT. |
komala | see GEMALA. |
komaliwan | (Navy) eating utensils supplied on a boat. |
komandan | commander, commandant |
komandan kapal bendera | flag captain |
komandemen | commandement |
komandite | limited partner (in a business, o. who provides part of the capital without participating in the management). |
komanditer | limited partnership. |
komando | command |
komando militer | military command |
komando tertinggi | high command |
komando udara | air command |
komat-kamit | with moving lips but bot speaking aloud (as in offering a silent prayer). |
kombali | see KEMBALI. |
kombang | see KUMBANG. |
kombek | (Coll.) reconciliation of lovers. |
kombi | a Volkswagen minibus. |
kombinasi | combination |
abadi herbal komposit emas batang composite perennial herbs golden rod
abaikan komentar dalam ekspansi makro discard comments in macro expansions
abbas tidak mengeluarkan komentar apapun abbas made no comment
abbey dan komposer dari banyak abbey and composer of many
abi komplian dan mungkin berubah abi compliant and may change
abnormal komplemen dari hormon seks abnormal complement of sex hormones
abstrak ringkasan atau satu kompendium an abstract abridgment or compendium
acad ini merefleksikan komitmen dan acad reflected the commitment and
acara televisi atau komersial yang television show or commercial that
ace komandan senior militer nato ace nato senior military commander
acuteness dalam membentuk kombinasi baru acuteness in forming new combinations
ada bentuk bentuk kombinasi kimia existing forms of chemical combination
ada komentar dari batman yang no comment from batman who
ada sudah ada komentar dari there been no comment from
ada tiga rekomendasi yang disampaikan there are three recommendations by