komando | command |
komando | |||
komando militer | military command |
komando tertinggi | high command |
komando udara | air command |
command, commanding, commando, commandos, commands, dispersed |
Contohapakah moralitas "komando dari atas" ibu saya about whether my mother's top-down morality
Jadi kami bergerak seperti komando. so we set up like commandos --
Pria: Aku tak mau lagi membuat komando Man: I won't send any more commandos in
kita benar-benar memiliki dua pos komando. We really have two command posts.
Kami akan terhubung ke pusat komando We're going to connect our command center,
di pusat komando dalam satu detik. in the command center a second later.
Lalu kami dapat membangun pusat komando. We can then build a command center.
atau bahkan di ruang komando. or even the war room.
pusat komando the central command
kepala komando senjata nuklir AS, commander of the U.S. nuclear forces,
Hal itu sensitif, kami harus naik ke rantai komando, It was sensitive, we had to go up the chain of command,
adalah semua komando bermata baja dengan tinju besar was all steely-eyed commandos with big knuckle fists