Indonesian to English
komite committee
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  1. komisi
    (delegasi, jawatankuasa, komite, panitia, perutusan, bayaran, bonus, persen, premi, tip, upah)
  2. panitia
komite ad hocad hoc committee
komite eksekutifexecutive committee

Related Word(s)

commission, committee, committees, the


atau sekarang ketika saya duduk di Komite PBB
or now as I sit on the United Nations Committee
Dia menjadi ketua komite AIDS nasional
He became the chairman of the National AIDS Committee
menantang komite penelitian
challenged the research committee
adalah aparat desa komite sekolah
are village officials school committees
akan melapor pada komite pertanian
to the agriculture committees
anggota komite sekolah memang rendah
of committee members are low
anggota komite yang diselenggarakan untuk
committee members organized for
antara sekolah dan komite sekolah
between schools and school committees
apa yang dibutuhkan adalah komite
what his commitee needs is
apakah komite sekolah ikut serta
did the school committee participate
aparat desa komite sekolah dan
village officials school committees and
atau komite atau departemen dll
or committees or departments etc
atau komite sekolah telah menyebarluaskan
or school committee disseminate
bagi hampir anggota komite sekolah
for almost school committee members
bahwa komite tersebut telah memberi
that the committee had given
bahwa perlu ada sebuah komite
that there be a committee
bahwa sebuah komite audit sedang
that an audit committee was
beberapa kasus komite sekolah juga
several cases school committees also
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