koran | newspaper |
koran | |||
koran sensasi | yellow journal |
newspaper, newspapers, newsstand, paper, papers, prices |
Contoh? membaca koran ? ? I read the paper ?
Lalu Anda membaca di koran beberapa minggu kemudian, And then you read in the paper a few weeks later,
sedang mendengar orang membacakan berita di koran being read an article in that day's paper
di koran New York Times, melihat cerita-cerita di balik perkawinan -- of The New York Times, looking at the back stories of marriages --
untuk membaca koran, mendengarkan radio, from reading newspapers, listening to radio,
Sebagai seorang reporter koran lokal, saat masih SMA, As a local newspaper reporter still in high school,
"Koran Sun Times mengirim saya meliput Festival FIlm Cannes "The Sun Times sent me to the Cannes Film Festival
dan membaca koran dari India atau Australia, you could read a newspaper from India or from Australia,
dari koran dan situs berita terkemuka. from major newspapers, major websites.
Sekitar empat tahun lalu, koran New Yorker mencetak artikel About four years ago, the New Yorker published an article
koran San Francisco dalam bahasa China dari tahun 1941, a 1941 Chinese San Francisco-based newspaper,
Lalu dalam koran Chicago ada sebuah tulisan mengenai sebuah buku Then, in the Chicago paper, there was a review of a book
Inilah berita utama di sebuah koran Inggris, This was a headline in a U.K. newspaper,
Ini koran mereka, "Straight-Up News", This is their newspaper, the "Straight-Up News,"
Penerbit koran dan bankir. This is a newspaper publisher and a banker.
Ada banyak budaya: naskah, koran, There's much more in culture: there's manuscripts, there newspapers,
radio, koran - dengan bermitra dengan semua orang radio, newspaper -- with partnerships with everybody
saya membaca di koran bahwa akan ada presentasi I read in the newspapers that there was to be a presentation
Ini adalah kertas koran dan stensil yang diletakkan pada kertas koran. This is newsprint plus stencils that lie on the newsprint.
Dan seperti yang anda tahu, kertas koran menguning di bawah matahari. As you all know, newsprint yellows significantly in the sun.
mengirim kertas koran ini ke Lisbon, ke tempat yang sangat terik, shipped the newsprints to Lisbon to a very sunny spot,
berita-berita utama yang Anda lihat di koran. the headlines you see in the paper.
yang dicetak di sebuah koran finansial di India, printed in the financial press of India,
lalu membungkus pembalut itu dengan koran, and spreads a newspaper, rolls it into the newspaper,
Anda mendengarnya di koran-koran. You read about it in your newspapers.
melihat orang membaca koran to see someone reading the newspaper.
Koran menyebutkan In the newspaper it said
saya melihat foto di koran I saw a photograph in the paper.
Sebuah koran di Brooklyn menyebut jalur sepeda One Brooklyn paper called this bike lane
Saya hanya ingin mengatakan bahwa kapanpun Anda membaca sesuatu di koran I just want to say that whenever you read something in the newspaper
Ini adalah koran yang sangat serius, Times of England -- This is a very serious newspaper; it's Times of England --
sebuah artikel di koran yang mengatakan a newspaper article which said
saya juga menjual koran, I sold newspapers.
dan dia tidak pernah mau membeli koran dari saya And he wouldn't buy a newspaper from me ever.
saya dipaksa untuk mempunyai wilayah penjualan koran .. I was forced to get a paper route at 10 years old.
tapi ketika usia sepuluh tahun, ayah saya bilang, "Jualan koran akan menjadi bisnis saya selanjutnya." but at 10, my dad said, "That's going to be your next business."
lalu, saya kumpulkan koran So I would go and collect for all the papers.
Anak Perempuan 4: Kami membuat koran sekolah di komputer. Girl 4: We make a school newspaper on the computer.
Jadi koran L.A. Times memberitakannya. Steve Lopez menulis ceritanya So L.A. Times got ahold of it. Steve Lopez did a story on it
Ikan dan keripik dalam kertas koran, pastel daging, Fish and chips in newspaper, the Cornish Pasty,
Sebuah koran lokal memberitakan, " Tak ada yang selamat, A local newspaper spelled out, "There is no survivor,
Dan inilah daftar kelulusan yang dimuat di koran lokal terbaru, And this is a spread from the local newspaper of the recent graduating class,
Anda bisa baca ini di koran Guardian. You can follow this in the Guardian.
dia wartawan koran New York Times -- she's a reporter for the New York Times --
Di 1915, tidaklah seperti koran memikirkan banyak In 1915, it's not like newspapers were sweating a lot
Koran sangat penting, karena mereka bertindak sebagai filter, that the newspapers were critical because they were acting as the filter,
ini hanyalah permainan, namun mereka tidak menulis artikel di koran, it was a game, but they didn't write newspaper articles,
Bahkan, setiap hari ketika kita membaca koran In fact, every day when we open the news
koran, buku, ribuan buku cetak. newspaper, printed books, thousands of printed books.
tapi waktu Anda membuka koran, menyalakan TV, but when you flipped open a newspaper, when you turned on the TV,