krem | 1 cream of milk. 2 skin-care salve. 3 cream colored, light-yellow. |
krem | |||
kremasi | cremation. |
krematorium | crematorium. |
kremes | k.o. cake made of cassava and palm sugar |
kremi | see KEREMI. |
krempeng | see KEREMPANG. |
kremus | chew a.t. crispy into small pieces. |
beige, creamy |
ContohDemokrasi yang lemah diwarnai krem. Fragile democracies is the beige color.
asia kecil memiliki berwarna krem asia minor having cream colored
atau berwarna krem jenis dari or cream colored breed from
atau krem berbentuk lonceng bunga or creamy bell shaped flowers
atau krem bunga agak ditandai or creamy flowers faintly marked
bagian subur dan warna krem fertile part and creamy color
basal daun dan berwarna krem basal leaves and cream colored
beraroma bunga bunga kuning krem scented creamy yellow flowers
berwarna krem bunga australia utara cream colored flowers northern australia
berwarna krem jenis dari perancis cream colored breed from france
berwarna krem putih atau pucat white or pale cream colored
berwarna krem umbi menyerupai kentang cream colored tubers resembling potatoes
berwarna krem untuk bunga ungu cream colored to purple flowers
besar putih atau berwarna krem large white or cream colored
besar putih atau krem bunga large white or creamy flowers
bunga berwarna krem ditemukan dari cream colored flowers found from