kritik | criticism |
kritik | |||
kritik membangun | constructive criticism |
kritik pribadi atau yang merusak | personal or destructive criticism |
kritik umum | obloquy |
kritik yang sangat pedas | rave notice or review |
kritikal | critical. |
kritikan | stricture |
kritikus | critic. |
can, critic, critical, criticism, criticisms, criticize, critics, critique |
ContohAnda tahu, kritik adalah wajar, You know, the criticism is fair;
video-video kritik atas korupsinya. critical videos against his corruption.
muncul 10 juta tulisan kritik there were 10 million criticisms of the posting
kritik terjadi dalam lima hari, tapi mengapa pemerintah pusat Cina criticisms in five days, but why the Chinese central government
Ini adalah sebuah pro-amatir, atau pro-am, kritik media This is a pro-amateur, or pro-am media critic
Salah satu kritik tentang pendekatan seperti ini adalah, So, one of the criticisms of this kind of approach to organization is that,
dan berkata, "Jangan ada kritik," and we say, "No criticism,"
Kritik terhadap kapitalisme kroni sama pentingnya A critique of crony capitalism is as central
Ini berarti sang Kritik This means that the Critic
kita telah mengangkat identitas sang Kritik, we have lifted the identity of the Critic,
Ini merupakan kritik pedas This was a huge criticism that we got
salah satu kritik yang paling sering saya lihat dari Improv Everywhere one of the most common criticisms I see of Improv Everywhere
atau pakar kritik seni. or a bigwig art critic.
Apa Anda ingat kritik yang ada saat "Brave" diluncurkan? Do you remember what the critics said when "Brave" came out?
Film ini sangat bagus. Jangan biarkan kritik itu mempengaruhi Anda. It's very good. Don't let that stop you.
Kini judulnya, frasa itu, berasal dari kritik, kritik awal, Now that title, that phrase, comes from a critic, an early critic,
kritik, [tidak jelas] ini, these [unclear], critical
Saya akan mendorong kritik yang membangun. I'm going to encourage constructive criticism.