Indonesian to English
kurator 1 curator, keeper. 2 (Leg.) receiver (in bankruptcy).
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the custodian of a collection (as a museum or library)
penjaga dari koleksi (sebagai museum atau perpustakaan)
source: WordNet 3.0

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bersama Doron Swade, yang merupakan kurator komputasi
with Doron Swade, who was the curator of computing
Kurator ahli manusia
She's a skilled human curator
Kita tak bisa hanya punya sejarahwan atau kurator yang mengarahkan cerita
We can't have just a historian or a curator narrating
bersama tim kreatif di museum dan para kurator,
along with the creative team at the museum and the curators,
di mana saya bekerja sebagai kurator.
where I work as a curator.
Sang kurator hanya memiliki satu ketentuan:
The curator had only one condition:
sebagai kurator yang berat sebelah
as biased curators of our
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