landas | base, substratum |
landas | |||
landas cekung | v-bolt |
landas keluar masuk | taxiway |
landas kontinen | continental shelf |
landas terusan | bottom of a canal |
landas-benua | shelf-continent |
landasan | base |
landasan bagi semua | the basis of any |
landasan balas | ballast bed |
landasan berusuk | ribbed bottom |
landasan kapal | bottom of a ship |
landasan ketel | boiler setting |
landasan peluncuran | launch pad |
landasan pesawat | run way |
landasan pesawat di atas kapal induk | flight deck |
landasan terbang | runway |
landasan terbang darurat | airstrip |
landasan udara | airbase |
landasan-ganda | double bottom |
continental, landing, off |
Contohdari bentuk landas kontinen of what the continental shelves
Anda lepas landas dan mendarat di bandara lokal. You take off and land at a local airport.
sobek saat lepas landas. notoriously tear on takeoff.
saat-saat yang sangat monumental, di mana kita, manusia, dapat lepas landas momentous occasion, where we powered up and took off for the
Tak lama, bisnis saya mulai lepas landas. Soon, my business really started to take off.
Jesus Melendez: Kita pergi, dan bersamaan dengan saat kita lepas landas, Jesus Melendez: We took off, and as we were ascending,
Pada pergantian abad, Internet lepas landas, At the turn of the century, the Internet takes off,
Ben, dapatkah Anda mencari lahan untuk landas pacu?" Ben, could you please look for an airstrip?"
saya butuh waktu 36 jam berski untuk mencari lahan untuk landas pacu -- it took me 36 hours of skiing around trying to find an airstrip --
Menabrak ke depan. Memantul di landasan. Akhirnya lepas landas. Rammed it forwards. Bounced down the runway. Just took off.
Dan inilah mengapa saya tidak mendapat masalah mengenai panjangnya landas pacu. This is probably why I didn't get into trouble about the length of my airstrip.
mengakui bahwa kunci untuk tinggal landas dalam ekonomi recognized that the key to economic liftoff
Dan saat kami lepas landas And as we took off down the runway,
Kami lepas landas dari fasilitas pendaratan pesawat ulang-alik, We took off from the shuttle landing facility,
dimana pesawat ini lepas landas. where the shuttle takes off and lands.
Lalu Anda lepas landas. Then you take off.
Ini adalah citra dari penerbangan yang tinggal landas dan yang mendarat. This is looking at ascending versus descending flights.