lantai | |||
lantai atas | upper storey |
lantai bebas merokok | smoking floors |
lantai beton | concrete base |
lantai beton aspal | asphalt concrete deck |
lantai dari papam | parquet |
lantai jembatan | road-covering |
lantai landasan barang | flatbed |
lantai maknesit | magnesite floor |
lantai mosaik | mosaic floor |
lantai papan | boarded floor |
lantai parket | parquet-floor |
lantai parkir pesawat | appron |
lantai pertama | first floor |
lantai sebuah mobil | floorboard |
lantai semen | cement floor |
lantai tiga | third floor |
lantai utama | main floor |
lantai-baterai | battery floor stand |
lantai-gipsa | plaster floor |
lantai-muka jembatan | platform flooring |
basement, below, floor, flooring, floors, ground, level, pavement, sarh, stories, story, the, undergoing |
Contohyang membuat mereka dapat melihat seluruh lantai gurun. that allowed them to see the entire desert floor.
Lantai: dapat diperbaharui dan didaur ulang. Floor: sustainable, recyclable.
lantai dan atap diselesaikan dalam tiga bulan. in three months it had roofs and floors.
Sebenarnya cuma dua lantai pertama yang bisa Anda alami, It's actually only the first couple of floors that you really experience,
Lantai tanah liat, misalnya, So clay floor for example,
Itulah piston yang ditembakkan dari lantai. That's the piston that was fired out of the floor.
Mari kita lakukan. Kaki menempel di lantai." Let's just go for it. Foot flat to the floor."
dan tiga tidur di lantai lumpur dan linoliumnya. and three sleep on the mud and linoleum floor.
yang lantai atasnya telah dikunci, whose upper floors have been sealed,
dan ruangan di lantai bawahnya and whose groundfloor space
Lalu kami menggunakan sebuah ruang di lantai bawah So we took a room downstairs in the basement
Kemudian bertaburan di lantai. It falls to the floor.
Ketika ia berjalan di lantai American Exchange pada 9.30 pagi hari, When he walks onto the floor of the American Exchange at 9:30 in the morning,
Tempat itu sebelumnya adalah ruang latihan, jadi di bawah ada lantai karet, It used to be a weight room, so there were rubber floors below,
Kita membongkar itu semua, dan kita menemukan lantai kayu yang sangat indah, We took all that down, and we found beautiful wooden floors,
Ini bukan sebuah organisasi non-profit yang berkantor terpencil di lantai 30 sebuah It wasn't a non-profit buried, you know, on the 30th floor
Bayangan membuat mereka mogok, juga selang di lantai. shadows would make them balk, a hose on the floor ...
duduk, mengentakkan kaki ke lantai, di usia tiga setengah, is he sat there, he tapped his foot on the floor, at three and a half,
dan menjatuhkan tasnya ke lantai, menunjuk ke papan tanda dan berkata, and dropped her bag on the floor, pointed up to the sign and said,
saya pernah berbaring di lantai dapur rumah saya I used to lie on the kitchen floor of my childhood home,
tidak terlalu besar, dua atau tiga lantai saja -- nothing too big, two or three stories --
Karya ini dipasang di museum di dua lantai, They were installed in the museum on two floors,
Inilah yang harus Anda tekan, lantai yang ingin Anda kunjungi These are the ones where you have to press what floor you're going to go to
Siapa saja yang ingin ke lantai 10 silakan masuk ke lift yang kedua, Everybody who wants to go to the 10th floor goes into car two,
dan semua yang ingin ke lantai 3 silakan masuk ke nomor lima. and everybody who wants to go to the third floor goes into car five.
dan hanya menyiapkan besi di lantai and just running steel on the floors
"Siapa yang mengotori lantai rumah dengan kakinya?" "Who brings footprints into a building?!"
di mana mereka berputar dengan cepat sampai jatuh terguling-guling di lantai, where they were twirling faster and faster until they tumbled to the ground,
dengan iming-iming jadi anak umur 5 paling kaya di lantai dua, before the prospect of being the richest five-year-old in the second floor ward,
mengepel lantai, menyapunya, mengosongkan bak sampah, mengisi ulang lemari-lemari. mop the floors, sweep them, empty the trash, restock the cabinets.
yang mengatakan bahwa dia berhenti mengepel lantai who told them about how he stopped mopping the floor
yang dua kali mengepel lantai kamar seorang pemuda yang sedang koma who washed the floor in a comatose young man's room twice
Dan maksudnya bukan diperlukan banyak pengalaman untuk belajar mengepel lantai dan mengosongkan bak sampah. And they don't mean it takes lots of experience to learn how to mop floors and empty trash cans.
Dan akan diletakkan dalam ruangan bertingkat 22 lantai -- And it's going to be housed in an enclosure that's 22 stories --
bahwa mereka tidur dengan tikar di lantai. that they sleep on a rug on the floor.
anda lihat keluarganya masih duduk di lantai situ, you see the family still sitting on the floor there.
Kecuali untuk lantai. Except for flooring.
kecuali bahwa mereka kenyataannya bukanlah tombol-tombol yang membawa anda ke suatu lantai tersendiri. except that these are actually not the buttons that take you to an individual floor.
tetapi ia tidak naik menjadi garasi, lantai dasar, mezanin, satu, dua, tiga, empat. but it doesn't go up garage, grand floor, mezzanine, one, two, three, four.
jika hanya melayani dua lantai, if it only serves two floors,
saya menyaksikan film dokumenter Jacques Cousteau sambil duduk di lantai ruang keluarga watching Jacques Cousteau documentaries on the living room floor
dan anda bisa melihat melalui lantai yang berbeda, and you can actually see within that different floors,
yang berhenti untuk mebantu Victor Wald di lantai 55 pada menara selatan. who stopped to aid Victor Wald on the 55th floor of the South Tower.
"Ada di lantai tiga, Pak. Di lantai tiga." "On the third floor, sir. On the third floor."
Karena ada matras di lantai yang tersambung ke dalam dinding. because there is a mat on the floor that's plugged into the wall.
Bisa di lantai. Juga sebenarnya, bisa di bawah komputer meja Anda. They could go in the floor. They could go, actually, underneath your desktop.
tergeletak di lantai, atau dlm posisi serupa, was on the floor, or something like that,
oleh tikungan ke kanan saat jalanannya menurun sejauh 3 lantai. right-handed turn as the road drops three stories.
untuk memindahkan benda di sekitar lantai pabrik. to move things around on the factory floor.
lantai demi lantai hingga 30 atau 40 lantai, seluruh permukaannya from floor to floor up to 30, 40 floors, the entire surface