Indonesian to English
latah 1. 1) a nervouse condition characterized by erratic involuntary imitative behavior, often pornographic or socially disapproved. 2) (Coll.) other irrational imitative behavior (e.g. imitation of speech
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  1. ikut-ikutan
  2. membebek
  3. membeo
  4. mencontoh
  5. mengekor
  6. meniru
  7. menjiplak
  8. turut-menurut

Related Word(s)

berbicara terus menerus latah cerewet
to continual talking talkative garrulous
disebut juga fellatahs foulahs dan
called also fellatahs foulahs and
mengingat berbicara terus menerus latah
given to continual talking talkative
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