Indonesian to English
le see TOLE.
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lead-hammerpipa timbel
lead-timelead time
leaksee LEYAK.
lebah jantandrone
lebah maduhoneybee
lebaimosque official
lebakvalley, lowlands
lebamsound made by a falling object. /le`bam/ k.o. small edible fish.
leban1. 1) lead-colored. 2) (Med.) hematoma. 2. k.o. tree whose bark and leaves are used for medicinal purposes.
lebapsound of fruit falling to the ground.
lebarbroad, wide, width
lebar alurwidth of slot
lebar araslevel width
lebar aras tenagaenergy level width
lebar ayunanarc of oscilation
lebar berkas sinarbeam width

Related Word(s)

fatty, leon


"Dapat berjalan kaki ke Le Grande Orange,"
"Walking distance to Le Grande Orange,"
Tan Le, penduduk Footscray yang tidak dikenal
Tan Le, anonymous Footscray resident,
kini dikenal sebagai Tan Le, si pengungsi dan aktivis sosial,
was now Tan Le, refugee and social activist,
Saya mengambil empat potret dari orang-orang di Le Bosquet.
So I took full portraits of people from Le Bosquet.
Eric Le Barón.
Eric Le Barón.
Mereka mengerahkan seluruh komunitas Le Barón
They mobilized the whole community of Le Barón
Benjamín Le Barón dibunuh.
Benjamín Le Barón was murdered.
Namun Julián Le Barón tetap bekerja
But Julián Le Barón keeps working
Saya membacanya, sempat masuk Le Monde.
I read about it. It was in Le Monde.
Ini dari laboratorium Cristine Le Gare.
Here's one from Cristine Legare's lab.
Tan Le: Baiklah. Kita pilih "tarik."
Tan Le: Okay, so let's choose "pull."
yang juga menjadi juara kelas di Le Mans.
who's also a class champion at Le Mans.
oleh arsitek Le Corbusier.
by the architect Le Corbusier.
Dan ada juga referensi ke "Le Petit Prince"
And there's this reference to "Le Petit Prince"
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