lebar | |||
lebar alur | width of slot |
lebar aras | level width |
lebar aras tenaga | energy level width |
lebar ayunan | arc of oscilation |
lebar berkas sinar | beam width |
lebar borstel | width of brush |
lebar garis | line breadth |
lebar garis dwikutub | dipolar line width |
lebar garis talunan magnetik | magnetic resonance line width |
lebar getaran | amplitude of vibration |
lebar jalan kereta-api | railway gauge |
lebar jalur | bandwith |
lebar koil | breadth of coil |
lebar kunci | size of jaw |
lebar lalu pelayaran | bridge opening |
lebar las | width of butt strap |
lebar meja | table width |
lebar pada puncak | breadth at the top |
lebar panggu | partial width |
lebar paruh | half-width |
apart, breadth, broad, broadband, broadly, crookedly, cut, eagerly, eyes, gaping, height, its, leaves, open, prolix, rate, set, show, smile, swishy, thrusting, wide, widely, widening, wider, width, widths, yawned |
Contohyaitu berbicara panjang lebar hingga membuat mereka sendiri gila. which is they talk so much they drive themselves insane.
Anda tidak tahu seberapa lebar jalan itu You don't know how far that street is
dengan tinggi 10 kaki dan lebar 25 kaki. that are 10 feet tall by 25 feet wide.
Bahkan di negara kaya, kesenjangan yang semakin lebar adalah hal yang biasa. Even in wealthy countries it is common now to see inequality growing.
kami pikir lebar asteroid yang membunuh dinosaurus sekitar 5 mil. We think the one that got the dinosaurs was about five miles wide.
Tapi yang jauh lebih penting, distribusinya sangat lebar. But much more importantly, the distribution is much wider.
rok lebar dan bantalan pundaknya -- her swishy skirts and her shoulder pads --
Dan jagalah mata Anda pada layar lebar. And keep your eyes on the big screen.
Dan tanpa panjang lebar, And without giving you too much of a tirade,
daripada lebar 1 angka desimal. than the width of a decimal place.
ke yang paling kaya di sini, lebih lebar daripada sebelumnya. to the very richest over here is wider than ever.
dengan mata terbuka lebar -- with eyes wide open --
Bayangkan saya punya papan dengan lebar 2 kaki dan panjang 30 kaki So, imagine I have a plank about two feet wide and 30 feet long
yang menjadikan Anda pemecah masalah lebar-dulu which makes you a breadth-first problem solver:
dengan lebar sekitar satu meter. that is about a meter across.
Ternyata masih ada potensi yang terbuka lebar. Turns out that there is still huge unlocked potential.
dan kemudian tersenyum lebar dan terkekeh-kekeh sendiri." and just had a big smile and chuckled to myself."
Lebar DNA sekitar 2 nanometer, DNA is about two nanometers across,
Itu adalah bentuk paling murni dari bercerita dalam layar lebar. It's the purest form of cinematic storytelling.
di laut yang luas dan lebar ini? in this huge, vast ocean?
Dan ini membuat mata saya terbuka lebar: And this powerful awareness rolled in over me
Kawanan burung yang bisa mencapai lebar satu mil dan panjang 400 mil saat terbang Flocks that were a mile wide and 400 miles long
tubuh yang tersayat lebar-lebar, a body that was cut wide open,
Batas kota kami sungguh lebar, 998 km persegi, Our city limits are enormous, 620 square miles,
Jalan-jalan raya kami amat lebar, Our streets were really wide,
karena inti gagasannya adalah untuk menebarkan jaring yang sangat lebar, because really the idea here is to cast an incredibly wide net
Ketika kita beri 'jarak' yang makin lebar antara perbuatan curang, When we get bigger distance from cheating,
luasnya sama dengan panjang dikali lebar, the area is equal to its height times its base,
yaitu tawa yang lebar which is this great laugh
Anda tidak dapat duduk dan berbicara panjang lebar dengan teman lama, karena Anda tidak tahu siapa mereka. You can't sit and have long talks with your old friends, because you don't know who they are.
dengan mata yang lebar dan sarung di tangan mereka, with wide eyes and a mitt on their hand,
menggambar lingkaran yang lebar, dan selalu bergerak. draws a wide circle, constantly moving.
lensa bidang-lebar, a wide-field lens,
Dia coba memaksa membuka lebar jari-jari saya dan bergerak ke balik telapak tangan saya. It was prying my fingers apart and moving to the back of my hand.
Jadi saya membuat kartun hidup di layar lebar -- So I was cartooning live on a wide screen --
Lebar sayap ARES 21 kaki, panjangnya 17 kaki. ARES is 21-foot wingspan, 17 feet long.
Dan mata Feynman terbuka lebar And Feynman's eyes just opened up.
diambil dengan gambar berbidang lebar. taken of the center of the Milky Way.