Indonesian to English
ledak 1 explode (of a bomb, etc.). 2 erupt (of a volcano). 3 break out, burst out. 4 (Sl.) become a sensation.
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  1. meledos
  2. meleduk
  3. meletup
  4. meletus
  5. menjebluk
  6. pecah
ledakan debudust explosion
ledakkanexplosion, eruption

Related Word(s)

explosive, warhead, warheads


hulu ledak digital yang kecil
the small digital warhead
Hulu ledak yang besar -- kami temukan titik terang
The big digital warhead -- we had a shot at this
bahwa kedua hulu ledak digital ini
that both digital warheads
Hulu ledak yang kecil mengambil alih kendali satu "cascade",
The small warhead is taking one cascade,
sedangkan hulu ledak yang besar
and the big warhead
hulu ledak Rusia,
the Russian warheads,
berasal dari hulu ledak yang sudah tidak dipakai.
comes from decommissioned warheads.
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