Indonesian to English
lengket be sticky, adhering
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by Xamux Translate


  1. lekap
  2. lekat
  3. likat
  4. rekat
  5. akur
  6. dekat
  7. harmonis
  8. mesra
  9. rukun
lengket seperti lemgluey

Related Word(s)

clotted, gluey, resinous, stickiness, sticky, viscid


Jika angin menerpa, mereka seperti kumbang lengket di tanah.
If the wind blows them over, they're like beetles stuck there on the ground.
ada bagian yang lengket
but there is this sticky part
bersifat lengket dan tidak menarik,
are both sticky and standoffish,
Ketika Anda mempunyai sebuah wajan anti lengket,
When you have a non-stick pan,
Dan ini anti lengket.
and this is non-stick;
bila Anda menggunakan sebuah wajan anti lengket yang mahal,
while you use a costly non-stick pan,
dan kemudian menjadi sedikit lengket.
and then they're all a bit sticky.
cairan gula yang lengket
some sticky, sugary liquid
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