Indonesian to English
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  1. elastis
    (fleksibel, kenyal, laur, lentur, lentuk, luwes, plastis, variabel)
  2. laur
  3. lemas
  4. lentuk
  5. lunak
  6. luwes
  7. plastis
  8. ruai
  9. fleksibel
  10. bentuk
  11. keluk
  12. lekuk
  13. lengkung
  14. bias
  15. patahan


  1. baku
    (asas, dasar, formal, konvensional, lazim, normal, pangkal, patokan, pokok, seragam, standar, tolok ukur, tonggak, ukuran, utama, saling)
lenturan bunyidiffraction of sound
lenturan elektronelectron diffraction
lenturan fraunhofafraunhofer diffraction
lenturan garis diatomikdiatomic line diffraction
lenturan hablurcrystal diffraction
lenturan kekisi bidangplane lattice diffraction
lenturan larik bujursangkarsquare array diffraction
lenturan larik linearlinear array diffraction
lenturan lauelaue diffraction
lenturan neutronneutron diff action
lenturan tingkap lingkarancircular aperture diffraction
lenturan zarah bermuatancharged particles collision
lenturan [difraksi] optisoptical diffraction

Related Word(s)

bending, bends, elastic, flex, flexibility, flexible, flexibly, flexure, limber, lithe, malleable, pliable, pliant, resilient, supple


atau sesuatu yang lebih lentur seperti kulit nabati.
or something which is much more like a flexible vegetable leather.
Disainnya yang lentur memungkinkan saya berjongkok,
Its flexible design allows for deep squats,
Namun karena benda ini lentur,
But because it's flexible,
Seringkali organ ini sangat lentur.
Most of the time it's a flexible organ.
yang berarti rangka itu lentur,
which means the skeleton's flexible.
dengan membran yang besar dan lentur,
covered with large, flexible
PV yang lentur,
photovoltaics, giving
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