Indonesian to English
libur vacation, leave
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  1. prei
libur resmilegal holiday
libur setengah harihalf holiday
liburanliberty, leave
liburan yang akan datancnext holiday

Related Word(s)

break, close, during, holiday, holidays, monday, off, saturday, weekend, welcome, went


dan saya luncurkan tepat sebelum masa libur di tahun 2010.
and I released it just before the holidays in 2010.
betis saya -- sakit. Saya mau libur dulu minggu ini,"
my achilles -- I'm tapering. I got to take this week off,"
siapa saja teman-teman saya, dan di mana saya menghabiskan libur natal,
who my friends were and where I spent Christmas,
yang berjudul "Manfaat Libur Panjang,"
and it was called "The power of time off,"
Salah satu alasan saya mengambil libur adalah untuk menghabiskan waktu bersama keluarga
One of the reasons that I took my year off was to spend more time with my family,
Dan terkadang aku merasa aku tidak begitu gembira kecuali jika hari libur,
And sometimes I feel like I can't really enjoy myself unless it's like a vacation,
seperti saat libur di hari Senin.
like when I get Mondays and all those days off.
Dan bulan berikutnya. Dan setelah libur musim panas.
And the next month. And after summer break.
mencari sesuatu yang berbeda untuk libur panjang yang kedua.
Looked for something different for the second one.
Berbincanglah dengan mereka dan tanyakan apakah libur panjang mereka berjalan sukses.
Talk to them about if it was successful or not.
Pada mulanya, libur panjang pertama saya
In the beginning, on the first sabbatical,
dari libur panjang pertama saya berjalan baik buat saya.
of the first sabbatical, worked really well for me.
dalam tujuh tahun sejak libur panjang pertama saya
in the seven years following the first sabbatical
yang kami hasilkan selama tujuh tahun setelah libur panjang itu.
that came out of the seven years following that sabbatical.
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