Indonesian to English
limpahan overflow, gift
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abundance, group, want


dari limpahan air hujan dan kenaikan permukaan air laut.
storm-surge and sea-level rise.
Saya sebut itu Limpahan kognitif
I call it cognitive surplus.
Limpahan kognitif terdiri dr dua hal
Cognitive surplus is made up of two things.
Itulah hal ke dua dr limpahan kognitif
That's the second half of cognitive surplus.
Dan dengan limpahan kognitif
And using cognitive surplus,
yang bahkan ketika limpahan kognitif
that even as cognitive surplus
Keduanya mengandalkan limpahan kognitif
Both of these rely on cognitive surplus.
yang mencoba menggunakan limpahan kognitif
trying to use cognitive surplus
Di bawah limpahan pesan teks, surat elektronik, dan saluran media
Under the deluge of minute-to-minute text conversations,
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