lintasan | line |
lintasan | |||
lintasan alir | flow path |
lintasan bebas molekul | molecular free path |
lintasan cahaya | path of light |
lintasan dalam ruang konfigurasi | path in configuration space |
lintasan faraday | faradaic path |
lintasan jembatan | bridge road |
lintasan kabel | cable-way |
lintasan lepas landas | starting-track |
lintasan lingkar | circular path |
lintasan lucutan | discharge path |
lintasan opfis | opfical path |
lintasan optis | optical path |
lintasan peluru | ballistic trajectory |
lintasan pilin | helical path |
lintasan sintel | cindertrack |
lintasan terbang bebas | free flight trajectory |
lintasan trem | tramway |
lintasan waktu minimum | minimum time path |
lintasan waktu-terpendek | least-time path |
hedges, hold, lane, passageway, stages, testing, track, trajectories, trajectory |
Contohmenuju misi lain dan lintasan lain. towards another mission and another trajectory.
lintasan percobaan untuk menguji bahan ini. a test track to test this material.
Sehingga ini telah menyebabkan lintasan yang dangkal dalam politik, And so this has led to a shallow path in politics,
Berjalan di lintasan lingkaran terbesar di dunia. A loop-the-loop, biggest in the world.
ternyata mereka berhasil memetakan lintasan pasti turns out they have mapped the exact trajectory
Kita tidak memiliki teknologi untuk memprediksi lintasan komet We don't really have the technology to predict comet trajectories,
yang akan dengan perlahan, setelah beberapa waktu, mendorongnya menuju lintasan lain, which would gently, slowly, after a period of time, push it into a different trajectory,
lintasan terbang burung-burung. the flight patterns of certain birds.
Misalnya, inilah lintasan Marc Chagall, For instance, here's the trajectory of Marc Chagall,
Ini tampak seperti lintasan normal orang terkenal. And this looks like the normal trajectory of a famous person.
lintasan sebuah masa hidup teknologi. kind of the trajectory of a technology's lifespan.
untuk mengubah lintasan terbangnya. which change its flight trajectory.
tidak hanya membelokkan lintasan dari partikel will deflect not only the trajectory of particles,
cara tercepat untuk melalui lintasan itu. the fastest way around that track.
di dalam otak John saat dia berpacu di lintasan balap. in John's brain as he races around the track.
dan memahami apa yang dia pikirkan selama di lintasan balap dengan pasti. and understand exactly what all of his thoughts are on the track.
pada saat berada di lintasan. at any point along the track.
di lintasan, sehingga kami pergi ke Laguna Seca. on the track, so we headed down south to Laguna Seca.
Laguna Seca adalah lintasan balap legendaris Laguna Seca is a legendary raceway
Jadi inilah John di lintasan itu, So, here you see John on the track,
ke sisi lain dari lintasan ini. to the other side of the track.
Dia masuk ke dalam lintasan, para penggembar Federer. He's coming up to the grandstand, fellow Federationists.
Dia mendekati ujung lintasan, He's approaching the end of the run,
menghitung lintasan balistik untuk tembakan meriam, calculating ballistic trajectories for cannon fire,
Bagian elipsnya, yang merupakan lintasan matahari, bulan, dan planet The ecliptic, which is the path of the sun, moon, and planets
Jadi, lintasan ini pada dasarnya bagaimana kita memperkirakan orang-orang hidup So, these trajectories here are basically how we would expect people to live,
sebenarnya dapat mengubah lintasan yang salah were able to actually change a tragic trajectory
Lintasan bisnis mereka berubah. Their business trajectory would change.
dan mengganti lintasan hidup mereka. and change the trajectory of their lives.