lobi | lobby |
lobi | |||
lobi setasiun | station hall |
lobi-lobi | tree with edible fruit (used in fruit salads). |
lobiing | go around to various people to persuade them to do s.t. |
lobby, lobbying |
ContohJadi sekarang saya sedang berjalan di lobi, dan tentu saja, merasa sakit, So by now I was walking the lobby, and of course, that hurt,
Lobi dari industri tembakau terlalu kuat. The tobacco lobby, it's too strong.
Jadi, saya membayangkan seorang guru kelas satu di lobi So I just pictured a first grade teacher out in the lobby
Jadi saya turun ke lobi, dan saya melihat orang India ini. So I went down to the lobby, and I saw this Indian guy.
yang akan berguna di lobi, which would be useful out in the lobby,
Di lobi, mereka mengecat dinding-dindingnya dan menanam pepohonan. In the lobby, they painted the walls and planted trees.
Dan saya kemudian ke lobi kantor majalah Men's Fitness. And I went into the lobby of Men's Fitness magazine,
Saat saya duduk di lobi dan menunggu untuk bertemu dengan wartawan mereka, And as I'm sitting in the lobby waiting to talk to the reporter,
lobi, korupsi dan kecepatan pasar lobbies, corruption, the speed of the markets
dengan lobi tengah yang luas headquarters, with a vast central atrium