Indonesian to English
loket counter (of post offices, immigration office, etc.), ticket window.
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loket karcisticket booth
loket luarwalk up window
loket-barangluggage registration window

Related Word(s)

booth, counter, counters, locket


duduk di kemacetan, atau di loket jalan tol
sitting in traffic, sitting at tollbooths
atau loket pembayaran atau melakukan
or payment counters or became
dinding loket loket pintu pintu
walls counters doors
harus membuka loket pelayanan khusus
must open special service counter
loket bus yang menjadi sasaran
bus ticket lockets
loket hanya duduk duduk membaca
counters were only sitting reading
loket loket itu sengaja diaktifkan
the counters
loket loket pintu pintu bahkan
counters doors even
loket penjualan tiket berlangsung ricuh
of ticket sales became chaotic
loket penjualan tiket bus pun
ticket seller have
loket penjualan tiket walikota juga
the locket the mayor also
membuka loket pelayanan khusus untuk
open special service counter for
menambah pos atau loket pembayaran
added posts or payment counters
mengecek loket penjualan tiket walikota
checking the locket the mayor
pos atau loket pembayaran atau
posts or payment counters or
selain mengecek loket penjualan tiket
beside checking the locket the
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