lot | see LOTERE. |
lot | |||
lotek | k.o. raw vegetable salad served with spicy sause. |
loteng | upstairs, top floor |
loteng jerami | hayloft |
loteng kayu | woodloft |
loteng kecil pada atap | attic |
loteng penyimpan gandum-beras | corn loft |
loteng rumah | garret-storey |
loteng tengah | mezzanine |
lotere | pool, raffle |
lotografi | lithograpy |
lotok | nge-lotok chip off. |
lotong | black or gray long-tailed monkey. |
lotot | staring (of eyes).open wide (of eyes), bulge out 9of eyes, when angry, etc.). |
lotre | see LOTERE. |
lotre sepakbola | football pool |
lotto | k.o. lottery (1960s). |
lots |
Contohuntuk satu lot. for you per lot,
ada nama volum untuk slot volname for slot
ada rumor bahwa pilot pilot there are rumors those pilots
adakan program pilot akan mendapatkan flyer program will earn
adakebutuhan pilot yang baik itu anybodyneeds a good pilot it
agen licksalot tidak ada kucing agent licksalot no cats
air hangat atau lotion obat warm water or medicated lotions
akan perdagangan charlotteuntuk persediaan seumur would trade charlottefor a lifetime
akan pergi berbicara dengan lotso il go talk to lotso
aku akan menukar charlotte dengan i would trade charlottefor a
aku bukan hadiah lotere geramnya it is not an issue
aku ingin pilot alien itu i wantthat alien pilot
alat kandungan untuk melakukan cephalotripsy obstetrical instrument for performing cephalotripsy
alat yang digunakan oleh clothiers tool used by clothiers
allotting atau menyajikan distribusi sesuai allotting or apportioning distribution according
allow flix menghambat multi slot allow flix prohibits multi slot