Indonesian to English
lusin dozen
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  1. dua belas buah

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hingga sekitar 2 lusin
to about two-dozen of us
Di saat saya berhenti, setengah lusin orang lain
The moment I stopped, half a dozen other people
Industri elektronika hanya memiliki sekian lusin bagian,
The electronics industry only had a dozen or so components,
berlusin-lusin surat. Saya meninggalkan surat-surat itu dimana-mana,
dozens and dozens of them. I left them everywhere,
yang disebut geomedicine. Ada sekitar setangah lusin program di seluruh dunia saat ini
It's called geomedicine. There are about a half a dozen programs in the world right now
OK, sekitar satu -- 2 lusin.
OK, about a -- two dozen.
oleh satu set neuron yang sangat kecil, sekitar dua lusin neuron
by a really tiny set of neurons, about two dozen neurons
dan lebih dari dua lusin minuman botol yang berbeda --
and more than two dozen different kinds of bottled water --
beberapa lusin jurnal tentang beberapa lusin proses atau molekul.
a few dozen papers on a few dozen processes or molecules.
Dia berkata, "Sekitar dua lusin dari mereka, 1.600 prajurit kembali tanpa kedua tangan.
He said, "About two dozen of these 1,600 kids have come back bilateral.
dan lebih dari satu lusin orang meninggal setiap hari,
and more than a dozen die each day
Untuk tiga lusin tahun kemudian sebagai raja,
For the next three dozen years as king,
Anda secara otomatis memiliki setengah lusin sahabat
automatically have a half a dozen friends
Saya dipasangi 1 lusin mesin
I was on a dozen machines
Ada 1 lusin tabung
There were a dozen tubes
anggota gerejanya hanya tiga lusin. "
he's got three-dozen members of his church."
percayalah, beberapa lusin kilogram
several dozens of kilograms
beberapa model dalam setengah lusin terowongan angin
several models in a half a dozen wind tunnels
Pusat Penelitian Ames dan setengah lusin universitas terkemuka
Ames Research Center and half a dozen major universities
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