Indonesian to English
macan tutul leopard
macan tutul
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  1. harimau akar
tutul1 pockmarked. 2 spotted, stained.

Related Word(s)

leopard, leopards


Disebutkan mengenai macan tutul, rakun ekor cincin, kodok berpanah racun, ular boa constrictor, lalu
It mentioned leopards and ring-tailed coatis and poison dart frogs and boa constrictors and then
untuk menakuti predator-predator lain seperti hyena, macan tutul
for scaring other predators like hyenas, leopards,
oleh singa atau macan tutul atau badak atau gajah --
by a lion or a leopard or a rhino or an elephant --
dan dia kebetulan menemukan jejak seekor macan tutul betina.
and he came across the tracks of where a female leopard had walked.
"Sebelum kita masuk untuk melihat singa dan macan tutul,
"Before we even go out to see lions and leopards,
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