Indonesian to English
mah 1. ( Jakarta, Sunda) particle to mark the topic. 2. see MAAG.
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mah.[maha] great.
mahagreat, very.
maha kuasaall powerful
maha kudusholy one
maha tinggimost high
mahaasihAll-loving (God).
mahabharatathe Mahabharata, important story in the literatures of Indonesia.
mahadahsyattremendous, fantastic.
mahadewa1 the Hindu god Siva. 2 supreme deity.
mahadewithe Hindu goddess Batara Durga.
mahadper[Mahkamah Angkatan Darat dalam Perang] Wartime Military Court.
mahaesaThe Great Unity, God.
mahakeramatmost sacred or holy.
mahakuasathe Almighty.
mahalexpensive, scarce
mahal untukexpensive to
mahamenteri(Lit.) high official at old-courts.
capital and largest city of Indonesia; located on the island of Java; founded by the Dutch in 17th century
ibukota dan kota terbesar di Indonesia, terletak di pulau Jawa; didirikan oleh Belanda pada abad ke-17
source: WordNet 3.0
absen dari rumah atau negara
absent from home or country
acara acara perayaan semangat ramah
festive occasions a convivial spirit
acara acara yang meriah ramah
festive occasions a convivial
accra untuk menghadapi tuan rumah
accra to face the hosts
ada antara keduanya tanpa hikmah
between them aimlessly
ada beberapa rumah warga yang
there were some houses which
ada dalam perkemahan perkemahan itu
be in those camps
ada dilantai bawah rumah ini
are underneath the house
ada juga rumah tangga kontrol
some of control households had
ada lagi yang maha mengetahui
is one more knowing
ada mahalat adalah anak ismael
mahalath daughter of ishmael
ada mahasiswa internasional yang tinggal
there an international student living
ada rumah dinas yang resprentatif
have a representative official housing
ada sebuah rumah sakit amerika
there an american hospital
ada sekeliling kemah suci dan
is around the tabernacle and
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