Indonesian to English
maha great, very.
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maha kuasaall powerful
maha kudusholy one
maha tinggimost high
mahaasihAll-loving (God).
mahabharatathe Mahabharata, important story in the literatures of Indonesia.
mahadahsyattremendous, fantastic.
mahadewa1 the Hindu god Siva. 2 supreme deity.
mahadewithe Hindu goddess Batara Durga.
mahadper[Mahkamah Angkatan Darat dalam Perang] Wartime Military Court.
mahaesaThe Great Unity, God.
mahakeramatmost sacred or holy.
mahakuasathe Almighty.
mahalexpensive, scarce
mahal untukexpensive to
mahamenteri(Lit.) high official at old-courts.
mahameruthe holy mountain, seat of the gods.
mahamuliaexalted, lofty, sublime, illustrious.

Related Word(s)

acquainted, all, almighty, alone, always, are, art, blessed, but, courteous, create, created, doth, even, ever, everything, exalted, forgive, forgiveness, forgiving, full, fully, god, great, guardian, hallowed, has, hath, he, hears, highly, holy, indeed


sebagai Maha Pengasih, Ha-rachaman.
who is called the compassionate one, Ha-rachaman.
Karena memang Tuhan itu Maha Adil.
Because, after all, God is just.
Yang Maha Pengasih.
who is ultimately the compassionate one.
HA: Jika Allah yang Maha Kuasa memberi saya kekuatan.
HA: If God gives me strength.
Lalu Allah yang Maha Kuasa akan melihat niat saya.
Then God will look at my intention.
hal-hal seperti kemurahan hati, belas kasih, maha tahu, dan kebijaksanaan
things like generosity and mercy and foresight and wisdom
yang merupakan ucapan dalam nama Tuhan, yang Maha Pengasih, Maha Pengampun.
the saying of "In the name of God, the all compassionate, the all merciful,"
tenaga putar yang maha dahsyat di planet ini
an enormous amount of torque on the planet.
Dan bahkan -- Tuhan Maha Pengampun,
And even then -- God is merciful;
Ada juga pengamat Maha Mengetahui
There is also an omniscient observer
Tidak ada tempat bagi pengamat maha tahu
And there’s no place for an omniscient observer
di antaranya adil, bijaksana, maha kasih.
justice, wisdom, mercy, among others.
? Saya yakin Yang Maha Kuasa mengenal kita semua ?
? I believe the almighty knows each and every one of you ?
? Saya yakin Yang Maha Kuasa ?
? I believe the almighty ?
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