Indonesian to English
maju ke depan onward
maju ke depan
please wait
by Xamux Translate
majuforward, advance, progress
keprep towards, prep to [{showing direction} ].
depanfront, ahead, coming next

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Sangat bagus, Bu. Maju ke depan.
Very good, mother. Move ahead.
Paman membeli kondom. Sangat bagus, paman. Maju ke depan.
Uncle buys a condom. Very good, uncle. Move ahead.
Saya namai si mobil. Dan saya tambahkan sifat: si mobil maju ke depan.
I'll call it a car. And here's a little behavior: car forward.
Dia hanya ingin maju ke depan.
He just wants to get to the front row.
untuk maju ke depan dan mengajukan solusi,
to step up and come up with solutions,
memilih untuk maju ke depan dan terus berjalan
choosing to move forward and move on
memilih untuk maju ke depan dan maju terus
choosing to move forward and move on
Mereka mulai maju ke depan, dan untungnya bagi semua orang,
They started to pull forward, and fortunately for everyone,
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