mani | sperm. pancuran-sperma ejaculation of sperm. per-mani-an insemination. |
mani | |||
maniak | maniac |
manifes | bill of lading, manifest. |
manifes muatan | cargo manifest |
manifestasi | manifestation. |
manifesto | manifesto, political statement. |
manifesto politik | political manifesto |
manik | pupil, beads |
manik-manik bicara | talking bead |
manikam | gem, precious stone. |
manikebu | [Manifesto Kebudayaan] anticommunist intellectual manifesto of 1964. |
manikin | manikin |
manikur | manicure. |
manikuris | manicurist. |
manipol | [Manifesto Politik] Sukarno's 1959 manifeto of political orientation. Manipol-Usdek manifesto of political reorganization. |
manipolis | o. who follow Sukarno's 1959 manifesto. |
manipolisasi | bringing society into conformity with Sukarno's 1959 manifesto. |
manipulasi | manipulation |
manipulatip | manipulative |
manipulir | manipulate. |
manis | sweet, nicely done |
base, did, drop, estimation, fashioned, female, fluid, formed, he, human, invested, liquid, living, male, nutfah, once, out, seed, semen, seminal, shaped, sperm |
adalah asam agak manis dan are sweetish acid and
adalah gula gula termanis bagi is the sweetest candy for
adalah manisan dan dimakan dan are candied and eaten and
adalah seperti sarang madu manis are as a honeycomb sweet
adalah seperti seorang gadis manis is such a sweet girl
adalah tidak manisan pendekatan praktek is not candied practice approach
adalah untuk koboi dan manis is for cowboys and sweet
adalah zat manis yang dikenal is the sweetest substance known
adas manis adas dll dalam anise fennel etc in
adas manis dan adas dan anise and fennel and
adas manis daun dan biji aniseed leaves and seeds
adas manis jintan seledri dill anise caraway celery dill
adas manis seperti anisic asam anise as anisic acid
aditif makanan kali lebih manis a food additive times sweeter
adonan menyebar dengan kayu manis dough spread with cinnamon