manjur | strong, efficacious |
manjur | |||
efficacious, ineffective, powerful, provide, working |
ContohIni hal yang sangat manjur. So this is very powerful.
jauh lebih manjur daripada pil berwarna putih. it's so much stronger than the white pill.
namun tekanan sosial sangat manjur. but social pressure, that's powerful stuff.
Itulah yang saya sebut "wabah sosial," dan hal itu sangat manjur It's what I call social contagion, and it's really powerful
dengan yang lebih manjur daripada mengganti bohlam lampu. in a way other than just screwing in new light bulbs.
sebenarnya hal ini sangat manjur. it's really powerful.
benda itu akan membakar Anda. Itu pelajaran yang manjur and it burns you. It's a very powerful bit of learning,
dan obat - obatan yang manjur menjadi terlalu manjur and the drugs that do work well work so well
Sudut pandang ini sangat manjur bagi para perancang This perspective is a really powerful one for designers,
Ini adalah pencegah schizophonia yang manjur. It's a fantastic antidote to schizophonia;
Dan yang paling penting, cara ini manjur. And most importantly, it's working.
untuk memacu tanggapan yang manjur, to motivate a powerful response,
bangsa Yunani memiliki pemahaman yang manjur. those Greeks had some powerful insights.