Indonesian to English
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  1. dalu
    (kempuh, magang, masak, matang, ranum, tua, jauh, larut, suntuk)
  2. kempuh
  3. magang
  4. matang
  5. menguning
  6. ranum
  7. tua
  8. mana boleh
  9. masa


  1. mentah muda
masakanfood, cooking, cuisine
masakan sendirihome cooking
masakh,masakan.see MASAK 1.
masakinithe present time

Related Word(s)

boil, boiler, cook, cooked, cooking, cooks, delicious, grown, harvesting, its, overripe, proper, ripe, ripen, ripened, ripening


di mana sisa makanan terakhir yang mereka masak masih ada.
with the remnants of the last meal they cooked still there.
Anda belajar masak dengan memasak.
You learn cooking by cooking,
Supir taksi, pengacara, juru masak.
taxi-driver, lawyer, cooks.
dan "masak di luar"
that cookout
Klik tag "masak di luar", dan lihat percakapan yang sangat berbeda
You click on that cookout tag, there an entirely different conversation
untuk menulis buku masak ini.
to write this cookbook.
Ada beberapa makanan yang saya masak di rumah.
These are some of the meals that I've been cooking at home.
masak artikel begitu hebat tidak dibaca!"
They're not reading my brilliant article!"
sepotong ikan terlalu masak yang saya makan kemarin malam.
overcooked piece of delicious fish I had the night before.
Makanan masak lebih lembut sehingga lebih mudah dikunyah
Cooked foods are softer, so they're easier to chew
ambil, campur, masak, lalu
take it, blend it, cook it and then
pisau - pisau dan sendok - sendok, dan berbagai macam alat masak lainnya, digabungkan
knives and spoons and various cutlery, welded
Semua air untuk masak, bersih - bersih dan mandi
All the water for cooking, cleaning and bathing
saat ini dia merupakan juru masak terbaik di dunia
he is right now the best chef in the world
Biarkan mereka masak. Makan siang yang lezat, mencoba resep-resep luar biasa.
Let them cook. Great lunch today, let them do culinary things.
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