Indonesian to English
matahari terbit sun rice
matahari terbit
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by Xamux Translate
mataharithe sun
terbitrise, emerge, arise, appear

Related Word(s)

dawn, sunrise, sunset


Jadi saya ke rumahnya pagi-pagi sekali, waktu matahari terbit.
So I went to him very early in the morning, as the sun rose.
Bagaikan matahari terbit di sekolah saya,
As a new dawn is happening in my school,
dari jam 2 pagi hingga matahari terbit.
from about 2:00 a.m. until sunrise.
bagaimana matahari terbit,
how the sun rises,
'Duniaku' menjelaskan kita kenapa matahari terbit,
'My world' tells us why the sun rises,
Kita tahu bahwa Jepang adalah negeri matahari terbit.
We know Japan is the land of the rising sun.
yang mengumpulkan data tentang cahaya dan kapan matahari terbit dan terbenam.
which collect data about light and what time the sun rises and sets.
Maka yang terjadi setiap pagi ketika matahari terbit
And so what happens is every morning when the sun comes up
dan ketika matahari terbit pompanya mengeluarkan sekitar 95 persen bakteri.
and when the sun comes up it pumps out like 95 percent of the bacteria.
Video: matahari terbit.
Video: The sun is rising.
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